Your opportunity to contribute

Hull City and East Yorkshire Councils have agreed a devolution deal with government. It is to develop the Hull and East Yorkshire (HEY) Combined Authority.

The Hull and East Yorkshire Unitary Leaders Board is the democratic governance body. It will oversee the development of the proposed Combined Authority.

We are looking to recruit to 2 pro-active and forward-looking boards through the HEY Business, Growth and Skills Hub. They will give the opportunity for businesses to provide strategic influence into the decision-making of this process.

How the boards will operate

It is envisaged that both boards will meet bi-monthly. The chairs will be elected from the membership at the early meetings.

Board members will conduct themselves according to the Nolan Principles.

Board members with -

  • personal
  • commercial
  • financial interests

in any agenda items will declare them at the relevant points on the agenda. They will not participate in votes on those items.

Members need to complete and update their published Registers of Interest upon appointment. They must do this at least on an annual basis as per officer’s requests.

Goole Business Centre

Business board

The HEY Business Board will support the Unitary Leader’s board’s role in the development of a competitive and thriving business environment. Private businesses can start, sustain, and grow.

Business board
East Riding Skills Bus

Skills board

The HEY Skills Board will support the Unitary Leader’s board’s role in the development of a regional skills system that recognises existing and future sector strengths, develops and builds on progression opportunities and celebrates success.

Skills board