Our Principles, Vision and Ambitions
Our Principles for Devolution
A Mayoral Combined Authority model provides joint governance arrangements for key growth levers such as -
- strategic transport
- skills
- economic development
which allow for strategic prioritisation across its area and integrated policy development. Recognising that increasing productivity is the only sustainable way to drive economic growth and improve living standards, establishment of the Mayoral Combined Authority for Hull and East Yorkshire is built on the following guiding principles -
To unlock significant additional long-term funding and powers to support sustainable and inclusive economic growth, giving the area greater freedom to decide how best to meet local needs and create new opportunities for people and business.
Investment, including devolved funding, delivered across the whole area, ensuring that everyone can benefit from devolution, with pooling of strategic funding and resources. This will build on Hull and East Yorkshire’s track record of growth through the delivery of the Government’s fiscal growth policies and programmes, including for example -
- Enterprise Zones
- Local Growth funding
- Town Deals
- Levelling Up funds
A focus on strategic economic opportunities
At the Mayoral Combined Authority level, ensuring that it creates a cost-effective tier of local government for strategic planning and delivery across our area.
Operating strategically, the Hull and East Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority will create efficiencies through the pooling of resources where it is practical to do so. The existing Hull and East Riding Unitary Authorities will remain and collectively with the Mayor will form the Mayoral Combined Authority. Neither authority's functions will be removed and where functions or resources are to be shared with the Mayor and the Mayoral Combined Authority, it will be agreed with each of the constituent authorities. The Hull and East Riding Unitary Authorities will continue to work collaboratively with other local authorities to deliver their objectives, particularly across the Humber and along the East Coast.
Streamlined and robust governance arrangements
Bringing together existing activities to create greater coherence. It will be a streamlined and strategically focused body which builds on an excellent track record of joint working and delivery and comprise the following key elements -
- A directly elected Mayor for Hull and East Yorkshire with a clear economic leadership remit, including skills, business support and inward investment, strategic planning, strategic transport, tourism (destination management) and other shared services that support economic development
- A Mayoral Combined Authority based on having a shared vision and focus on economic, social and environmental challenges and opportunities. Council Leaders are committed to ensuring high standards of governance and transparency in developing our strategic aims for growth, delivering interventions across Hull and East Yorkshire
- A commitment to continued pan-Humber collaboration to support growth in sectors where joint working makes most sense, such as ports, energy and offshore wind, estuary management including flood management (such as the Humber 2100+)
- LEP transitional arrangements, including the formation of a strategic skills hub, that optimise the use of existing funding and secure the ongoing delivery of Growth Hub services
- A newly formed Hull and East Riding business advisory board
Our Vision and Ambitions
Our vision and ambitions for devolution have been developed against the background of the scale of the challenges and opportunities we face in driving productivity and economic prosperity whilst also decarbonising our economy and improving its ability to adapt to climate change. The breadth of our proposals reflect the diversity of our area.
Through dynamic, forward-looking and confident leadership, backed by increased and pooled financial resources and a well-embedded partnership with Government, our Mayoral Combined Authority will help us to work collectively as an area to deliver a new sense of pride and ambition, and promote Hull and East Yorkshire as a -
- vibrant
- culturally rich
- outward-looking
- sustainable
place to live and do business.
Our Devolution Deal will enable us to deliver our shared visions for sustainable and inclusive growth, including -
- capitalising on our existing assets, including our world-leading digital infrastructure, to make our businesses more competitive and more productive, and change our economic trajectory
- investing in people and enabling talent to increase access to economic opportunity, and in turn reduce local levels of under-employment and narrow our local productivity gap. This will help to grow our local economy by enabling more residents to deploy skills in higher paying jobs and help our area to fully contribute to levelling up the UK
- supporting innovation and business growth in our key sectors to enhance their competitiveness and increase productive across our economy. This includes fostering increased R&D and commercialisation and creating a dynamic climate for the creation and development of microbusinesses and SMEs across all sectors
- raising living standards for everyone, based on well-targeted, long-term interventions delivering balanced and inclusive growth, making use where appropriate, of the existing community-led approaches we have embedded
- focusing on work/life/leisure balance for our residents, with easy access to the services of a city and with great connections between the city and East Yorkshire’s rural and coastal hinterland, and to the rest of the country
- maximising the opportunities of a changing climate and driving the economy to Net Zero whilst fully deploying the expertise within the Living with Water Partnership
- enable healthier and more content communities
Informed by the existing policy evidence-base we have developed with Humber and Yorkshire partners, we have identified the need for step-change intervention across four, integrated strategic themes -
- Enhance connectivity to create an integrated low carbon transport network, ensure the continued success of our ports and Freeport and develop our world leading digital capabilities to support collaboration and new ways of working
- Increase productivity by providing our workforce with the skills and job opportunities needed for the future as we transition to a zero-carbon economy as well as supporting business innovation and competitiveness
- Promote inclusivity with creates economic opportunities for our most deprived communities and provides decent homes for all, addressing the persistent cycle of poverty, poor health and low aspiration
- Deliver a sustainable future through clean energy generation, sustainable development, climate adaptation and resilience, and a strategic approach to harnessing our natural capital assets