Hull and East Riding Unitary Leaders’ Board
The Membership shall be -
- The Leader of each member council
- The Deputy Leader of each member council
Terms of Reference -
17.13 - The council is a member of a joint committee known as the Hull and East Riding Unitary Leaders’ Board.
17.14 Composition
17.15 - The Committee shall be comprised of the Leader and one Executive member from each of the following councils - Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
17.16 - The Secretariat of and accountable body for the Humber Leadership Board is Hull City Council. Meetings are open to the press and public, and agendas, minutes and papers are published by the Secretariat, in line with the Local Government Transparency Code.
17.17 Quorum
17.18 - The quorum of the Committee shall be 2 members, which must include at least one Committee member from each of the 2 constituent councils.
17.19 - The Co-chairs are to be the Leaders of the 2 constituent councils. The Chairing is to alternate between the 2 Leaders. In the absence of the scheduled Co-chair, the remaining Co-chair will chair the meeting.
17.20 - Any decision made by the Joint Committee requires unanimous agreement and will be binding on both constituent councils.
17.21 Role and Functions
17.22 - To consider, approve and implement decisions on the strategic themes and schemes limited to the geography of Hull and East Riding ('the Area'), including expenditure of external funding within the Area on relevant activities.
17.23 - Act as an advocate for investment in the sustainable economic development of the Area and be the managing body for delivery arrangements relating to the strategic themes that are developed for the Area.
17.24 - Align and decide on capital expenditure programmes and ensure policy and programmes are effectively delivered in relation to strategic themes identified for the Area.
17.25 - Receive reports from the proposed combined authority for Hull and East Yorkshire (when established) and local authorities, and when so minded, refer any recommendations back to the originating body for further consideration.
17.26 - Consider strategic funding allocations for operational activities aligned to the approved strategic themes.
17.27 - Be the representative democratic body of the Area at regional, national and international level.
17.28 - Contribute to emerging policy and ensure that decisions of the Area will be subject to the scrutiny committee process arrangements of each proposed combined authority or local authority (unless and until Joint Scrutiny committee process arrangements are established).
17.29 - The Committee will have oversight of the development of the proposed Hull and East Yorkshire Combined Authority and all matters related to it and ensure that it is able to be launched in accordance with any Statutory Order issued by government. The Committee will ensure that sufficient resources are made available to support the creation and implementation of the Hull and East Yorkshire Combined Authority which includes financial management and oversight, securing of appropriate resources (officers, technical and otherwise) to enable delivery and the development of appropriate governance.