How we make decisions

Decisions are made by the Executive Board within the governance framework set out in the Authority’s Constitution

Decisions can be made outside an executive board meeting in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation in the Constitution through Decision Records published on this website. 

The Constitution includes the Scheme of Delegation and the Terms of Reference of the Authority’s committees and, where established, joint committees. It also sets out the responsibilities of the Authority’s officers.

The approach followed when making decisions is described in the Access to Information rules and involves input from the Business and Skills advisory Board and the Scrutiny Committee upon Key Decisions. 

The Access to Information Rules set out the information required to be made available. This is unless there is a legal basis for not including the information that's in the definitions in those rules. All reports to decision makers are published through the Authority’s website. They are on the agenda of the Executive Board.

Decisions which are considered strategic in nature are classified as key decisions. The definition of a key decisions is set out in the Constitution.

A “key decision” will be specifically defined in the Constitution. In summary it is an executive decision, which is likely -

  • (a) to result in the relevant local authority incurring expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to the relevant local authority’s budget for the service or function to which the decision relates or 
  • (b) to be significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more wards or electoral divisions in the area of the relevant local authority.

If a decision falls within the definition of a key decision, the Authority publish a Forward Plan Notice. This confirms the intention to make such a decision providing the opportunity for the community to contribute to the proposal. Members of the public may attend meetings of the scrutiny commissions. With the agreement of the committee, they can contribute to the discussion.

The Scrutiny Committee

Scrutiny of key decisions is undertaken by the Scrutiny Committee. The Scrutiny Committee consists of members of the Constituent Councils appointed by those Councils to fulfil the Scrutiny role.  Members of the public may attend meetings of the scrutiny commissions. With the agreement of the committee, they can contribute to the discussion.  After consideration at the Scrutiny Commission, the Key Decision report will be presented to the Executive Board or the decision maker for decision.

The Scrutiny Committee is required to have a membership that reflects so far as reasonably practicable the balance of political parties for the time being prevailing among members of the constituent councils when taken together. 

The membership of the Scrutiny Committee will be created in accordance with this principal, for example -

Group East Riding of Yorkshire Council Hull City Council
Conservative 2 members 0 members
Independant 1 member 0 members
Labour 1 member 3 members
Liberal Democrat 2 members 3 members
Total members 6 members 6 members

The Audit Committee

The governance of the Authority is reviewed annually through the Annual Governance Statement and Code of Governance. It is then reported in draft form to the authority audit committee in advance of confirmation by the Mayor and chief officer.

The Audit Committee is required to have a membership that reflects so far as reasonably practicable the balance of political parties for the time being prevailing among members of the constituent councils when taken together. 

The membership of the Audit Committee will be created in accordance with this principal, for example -

Group East Riding of Yorkshire Council Hull City Council
Conservative 2 members 0 members
Independant 0 members 0 members
Labour 0 members 2 members
Liberal Democrat 2 members 2 members
Total members 4 members 4 members

The timescales in which reports must be published are set out in the Access to Information rules. All reports to decision makers are published through the Authority’s website. They are on the agenda of the relevant Board or Committee.